29 September 2004

More Dreams

For those of you that dont know. A month or so ago.... probably likke 2 months. i am too lazy to check. So a while ago i was having these terribly vivid dreams every night that were interfering with my sleep. That all had stopped for a while, but last night i had one. This one wasnt all incoherent, it was quite real.

It was one of those dreams where you get something you really want then wake up all confused at first because you dont know if it happened or not. So now i have this dark cloud over my day because now i am sure it didnt happen for real. Every few minutes i go back over the dream in my mind and it makes me happy, but then i am sad again when reality strikes.

Here is the point where i wish my blog was a little more anonymous. Because i cant tell you my dream because people that know me are reading this. So i am sorry this entry was so vague. I wonder if you can relate though?

22 September 2004

I thought this was hilarious. A lot of people offer you advice when you are an RA in a freshman dorm. Here is my friend explaining to me how i should run my first floor meeting. She was also telling me earlier how to do check-ins... seomthing like "heres your key, i'm the RA, go toyour room and stay there till classes, biotch".

S Uga RpE A: you give yor welcome to college speach
Natrl Sugar: tomorow
Natrl Sugar: first floor meeting
S Uga RpE A: don'tdrink
S Uga RpE A: don't smoke
S Uga RpE A: no sex
S Uga RpE A: stay in your room
S Uga RpE A: here's your address
S Uga RpE A: ask your parents for food
S Uga RpE A: i'll eat it all for you
S Uga RpE A: if they send money
S Uga RpE A: i'll take care of that too
S Uga RpE A: welcome to drexel
Natrl Sugar: LOL. youre crazy
Natrl Sugar: why no sex??
S Uga RpE A: cause i said so

So far in my dorm all the pillows i put on the couches in my lounge were stolen and my vacuum cleaner is missing. I will be updating more about my experiences. check it.


I have been thinking a lot about the changes that go on in peoples lives and how they come about. Probably because my closest relationship is changing right before my eyes and i dont know how i feel about it.

This morning one of my resident's dad (who was staying with her in the dorms the past 2 days) caught me by the elevator on teh way out and asked me about how safe a school Drexel is. I am thinking "here we go... another rich white guy scared to let his little princess live in proximity to a black neighborhood" Just because people are black and some people are poor doesnt mean that anyone wants anything to do with his daughter. So i tried to hold back and give him the benefit of the doubt. I looked him in the eye and said nothing, waiting for him to clarify. When i do that people usually think about what they are about to say to me, so i do it a lot. But this guy had a whole 'nother concern.

He was worried about his daughter living in a building with 240 freshman guys. Freshman guys are the worst kind. They get out of their parents house and do the stupidest things just because they can. Stuff they would never do at home like drawing penises on the bulletin boards and other stupid crap. I like being an RA and i like freshman girls, but the guys i cant stand and have no patience for. Apparently the resident had gotten some pretty crude messages on her wipe board to the point where she just decided to take it down altogether.

So i was thinking. There is a huge difference between the mentality of a freshman guy and an upperclassman. Its the same in high school. Not so much for girls though. Here is where i would have the brilliant insight portino of my post but i am really clueless as to what happens in one short year to change the guys that i despise into the ones that are cool. Maybe any of my male readers can help me out on that one.

So like i was saying. My relationship is changing. I am a pretty high maintenance girl. I like to have my BF around all the time, i like for him to do and say things that make me feel good and happy. I feel entitled to this for 2 reasons: if you arent gonna make me happy, why the hell would i waste my time on you, and i am a really good and giving girlfreind, i think i deserve reciprocation on all my effort. SO whats been changing is that i dont see my BF and he still hasnt made up for our last arguement and i truthfully couldnt care one way or the other. He moved to a dorm in center city and its a good 10 minute drive to go see him, besides the fact that there is no parking where he lives. He has a night job and i am gonna be on co-op all day. We are officially in a long-distance relationship and it doesnt matter to me. And that isnt how i operate so i dont know what is going on in my head. So all this is to say really that things change and chage so mysteriously. I just gotta wait i guess to see if this is one of those good changes or a bad one.

21 September 2004

Back in Business

I know i haven't posted in a while. There has been so much going on with me! I had RA training all this past week. I am an RA in Kelly hal this year. Just that and getting my floor prepared for freshmen to move in, along with getting my room ready for me to live in has been tough. I had an exceptional time at 6 flags on saturday with the RLO staff. It was cold and it drizzled on and off all day so hardly anyone was there. I rode most of the roller coasters twice. And i got on Nitro 5 times in a row. It was awesome! I also joined Drexel's Multicultural Student Advisory Board.

I am not going to get into specifics about everything that happened while i was taking my blogger break because the facts are not fresh in my mind, but the past week and a half were pretty great for me and i am all amped up to start the year. I will definitely be keeping my blog updated starting now. So keep checking back!

03 September 2004

My Big Cous

Only half my family lives in teh US. My mom is from around here, she was born in Jersey and grew up in Philly and Bensalem. Her side of the family lives either around here or in Georgia and some in Cleveland. My dad, on the other hand, is from the islands. Hes from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a small group of islands near Barbados, the largest of which is smaller than Philadelphia. One of his sisters lives in Canada, another in England, and all the rest are still in teh islands. As you can imagine, i am far less familiar with my dad's side of the family than my mom's, some of those relatives i have only met once in my life and some never at all. But i am pretty close to my cousin from England.

Laura is my big cousin (by just over a year). I met her for the first time when i was 6 and she was 7 and she came to visit for a summer and stayed with my family. It was great for me because i am an only child and i always wanted a sister, so i remember that summer fondly. My grandmother (my dad's mom) also came up from St. Vincent that summer. That was the first time i saw my Granny and the first time i met Laura. Laura and i got together two more times after that. Once when i was 12 or 13 both our families went to canada to meet with my dad's sister that lives tehre and her family. We went to Caribana and it was a lot of fun. Then when i was 17 my parents took me to Europe for graduation and we stayed with Laura's family.

So this past week was only the 4th time in my life i have seen my cousin face to face and i was just amazed at how well we got along. She came down from Boston (where she is staying with a friend from school) on Monday afternoon and just went back yesterday at 5. We have a lot in common and we understand each other well. She came with her friend from Boston and i took them shopping and out to Pod and down to south street. Me and Laura went to get our hair done together and the two of them went out with one of my friends who is 21 to old city. It was tough because i had exams to study for, so i was up studying in the wee hours of the morning while they were sleeping, and i had to cut out of shopping early to get back to campus and take an exam. But all in all it was a really great visit and i was so sad to see her go!

I figure its hard for my dad like this all the time because he doesnt have any blood relatives here in the states except for me. It makes me sad to know that a whole half of my family i am so unfamiliar with, its probably sad for my dad too. But at least i got my big cous, and i plan to visit her soon after graduation!