26 January 2006

analogous to...

k. this is gonna sound totally chiche... but dig it.

i came up with an analogy i think is pretty cool... on my walk home today from school (didnt mean to rhyme here).

my life is like a potted flowering plant. to drive the final nail into the cliche coffin, call it a rosebush. My roots are confined by the stereotypes and oppression of American society, my stem is trimmed and trained by my parents to grot tall and true. to grow up proud and beautiful in the way they have directed me. But the thing about a plant is that you can trim abberant branches without causing harm, and sometimes its good to pluck extra leaves. But when the roses begin to bloom, you cannot control the blossoms.

That is where i am now. I am at a point in my life where all my parents can do is give me sunlight and water, that is nurture me and help me out when i need it. they can shore up my stem if it becomes weak. but they cant change my blossoms.

i guess that its not just my parents, but all the people that i have let influence my life. Another side to the analogy is that if i let too many negative things or people into my life, they will block my sunlight and taint my soil. The blossoms of a plant will inevitably reflect that.

Its a corny analogy, i take it all back.

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