i dont know if this blog will still serve a purpose in my life. under the tutelege of my mentor i have found a number of different outlets in which to express myself. i am a more effective verbal communicator and have improved on organizing my thoughts when i speak, and also on taking risks and speaking up instead of holding back. my writing has improved and i have written a number of poems. also, i started on a story... a piece of fiction. i just finished it a couple hours ago. i had been working on it for months.
i have to say that writing a story is the most amazing thing. the experience goes so far beyond putting the pen to paper. i was able to write down my past, present, and future. my hopes, and fears. in a piece of fiction, there is so much of ME in it. i was just astounded. my hand seemed posessed as the characters found their own voices and spoke and the settings seemed to choose and describe themselves. i feel like if i had known it was like this i would have been writing fiction for years now (as it stands, this is the first piece i have ever written). its kind of like a happy lucid dream, where you are in control in a way, but not and everything seems way too real.
anyhow. this is a brief explination of why my blog has been out of commission for so long. its partially because between school and work the past few months i have hardly had time to think, much less write. and also because i dont have thoughts that sort of just steep in my mind anymore. now i let them out one way or another.... but who knows how long this will last
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