I go to a school with 10 week terms. Which means that what students at other colleges learn in about 4 months, we have to cram into just over 2. Its got its ups and downs, but overally i prefer this system to others. The thing is that there is always a week 9/10 CRUNCH where there are a tond of papers due and exams and presentations to get done before finals, then you also have ot be preparing for finals week the week after. Its pretty sick. Week ten usually means disaster for me, but this term is different.
Tuesdays are my worst day of the week schedule-wise. I have classes from 9:30 AM to 8:30 PM with an hour and a half break at 5. So you can probably imagine that i have a whole load of assignments on any given tuesday to hand in, but week 10 tuesday was murder. I had to give my final speech for public speaking class, a final presentation in my ultrasound lab, a lab report for that same lab, a quiz in my night class, and hand in my part of a group project for immunology. OUCH! But everything worked out.
I nailed the speech and the presentation. I told my immunology group that i would have to hand in my part later, which they didnt mind. And the lab report took me most of the night but it came out pretty good. So success all around. And to ice the cake, i got my Immunology final exam back and i got 118 out of 100. Which brings my average for that class up to a 97 (she capped the extra credit points at 10, so that last 8 dont count towards my grade). HOORAY!
So the worst part of week 10 is over. All i have left is two homework assignments and that group project before exams, and i only have 3 of those! I am definitely blessed to not be so stressed cus this week had the potential to go much much worse!!
i'm mad cause this is usually the part of my week thats the easiest. thursday night. but i have a six page paper to turn in tomorrow am at ten that i haven't even started. i'm soooooo madd right now.
Week 10, i love week 10, its where the men and women get separated from the boys and girls. Other schools have 4 months and we have about 2, man up! It just gives us that much more of a reason to say we're better than you when/if we graduate. =)
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