09 August 2004


Credit cards are evil. Not the major ones cus handling them is common sense. Its those little store charge cards that you open that are the real problem. You open it to get that initial %15 discount then forget you ahve the darn thing. So i have 4 store charge cards: Express, Lord and Taylor, Neiman Marcus, and Victoria's Secret. I also have 3 major credit cards. I do not have any major problems, but something happened recently that irritated me.

My mom called me today and told me that Lord and Taylor has been calling the house for a while and now they are calling every day because i owe them money. At first i am like "You are just now telling me thins?!?!" but i realize i get my own mail and it is not her responsibility to manage my money so i calm down. I paid off my store charge cards before classes started. I did not want to have to worry about them while i was making no positive income. I also paid off all but one of my major credit cards. I locked all my plastic away and only carried that one credit card and my mac/visa. But something went wrong.

I didn't pay my lord and taylor card off all the way. I had underpaid by a couple dollars (litterally, $2 and change) and didnt realize. Which wouldnt matter except that was over two months ago. I hadn't been opening my statements because i thougth i had overpaid and had nothing to worry about. So now i have interest to pay, which is hardly anything on the two bucks, but have to alos pay the late payment fees which is $25 a month and brings my total to $53.32. FIFTY THREE DOLLARS!! i owe them a late payment fee of $50 for a balance of $2. This just doesnt seem right. Can they do that?? I guess i have the answer right here in writing cus i have been staring at this statement since i opened it and it seems like they are serious about this.

1 comment:

mrsajw said...

That messed up! fifty some dollars for a two dollar balance. You prolly wish they could have at least started calling your earlier.